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Friday, February 10, 2012

An Apple Cider Vinegar Bath For Yeast Infection

An apple cider vinegar bath relieves yeast infection symptoms and is one of the most popular and effective remedies for yeast infection. It's simple, cheap and you'll feel the relief as you sit relaxing in the bath. Plus, there are no chemicals. It has been used for many problems for hundreds of years, yeast infection is only one of many. 

It is believed that the trace minerals, enzymes and good bacteria found in apple cider vinegar as a result of the process of changing apples first into alcohol and then into vinegar, account for its beneficial properties.

Bath & Body

Many sufferers use it as a douche. They mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 2 quarts of warm water and bathe the area using a cotton pad. But probably the gentlest way is an apple cider bath. It's easier and less messy.

First off, the level of warm water in the bath should be just enough to cover your hips and legs, so that the affected area is completely covered. Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to the bath water. Whilst sitting in the bath, very gently open up the lips of your vagina to allow the water to wash the affected area. You'll need to spend about 20 to 30 minutes immersed.

By taking an apple cider vinegar bath you'll have made a good start to getting rid of your yeast infection naturally. But there is still more to do. It's only one of very many home remedies out there. And there are many other aspects to take into account in curing yeast infection. For example, root cause, diet, lifestyle, etc. But, this can all be done totally naturally, without drug-based treatments.

An Apple Cider Vinegar Bath For Yeast Infection

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