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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Easy Bath Salt Recipe

There's nothing better than coming home from a long day at work and having a long soak in a beautifully smelling bath. The cost of shop bought bath salts can be very expensive, especially the ones that come in the pretty glass bottles. Making your own unique bath salts can be as simple as adding some essential oils and colouring to some bath salts but by adding herbs and other natural ingredients, the combinations are endless!

This basic bath salt recipe can be varied to make endless unique recipes:

Bath & Body

Combine 3 cups of epsom salt with 2 cups of baking soda and 1 cup of table salt. Mix together in a large bowl with a spoon or your hands. Choose your colour and if you are mixing two or more colours together to get your desired shade, do this before you add it to the salt mixture. Normal food colouring can be used. Mix together until the colour is evenly distributed.

Finally, you add the scent by using essential oils. The salts should be heavily scented as they will last longer because you won't need to use as much. Finish your creation off by using pretty glass bottles with a ribbon and a handmade label. Your end product will look like something that you've just bought from one of those expensive spas and it will have cost you next to nothing to produce!

Now who wouldn't like to receive that as a gift?

Spend time learning about the ingredients that you use. Essential oils and herbs have all kinds of benefits to help you create a bath salt recipe to meet the varying needs of your customers. Custom made recipes to suit individual needs are an essential part of any homemade bath and body product business.

Easy Bath Salt Recipe

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